Terima kasih atas kerja sama nya Program Study Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Curup, dalam penerbitan Buku Hasil Karya Mahasiswa melalui Penerbit Literasilogi Indonesia, semoga kerja sama ini menjadi silaturrahim yang berkelanjutan, memfasilitasi karya karya dosen dan mahasiswa di IAIN Curup…
“Here we are.. .first semester students’ first work in the form of literacy. Published book in tittle “pengamalan pancasila dan bhineka tunggal ika”. Big thanks were delivered to mr. Sumarto Pohan for guidance. Hope there will be the next literation product of the students of Prodi Tbi Iain Curup and become better and be the best in the future.” (Jumatul Hidayah Ketua Prodi TBI IAIN Curup)