Harga Buku : 175.000

Penulis : Dr. Sumarto M.Pd.I., et al. Editor dan Lay Out: Dr. Sumarto M.Pd.I, Dr. Emmi Kholilah Harahap, M.Pd.I, Fahrizal Harahap. Desain Sampul: Dery Prastatian, S.Sos Penerbit : Yayasan Literasi Kita Indonesia Penerbit Buku Literasiologi Anggota IKAPI.

Higher Education can be said to be developed and advanced if it can maintain its existence in society, namely by carrying out education and teaching, research and scientific publications nationally and internationally, carrying out Community Service activities with various Methodologies such as Thematic Community Service, Participatory Action Research, Asset Based Community Development, Community Based Research and other approaches. The Association of Experts and Lecturers of the Republic of Indonesia or ADRI in Bengkulu Province brings together universities in Bengkulu with the aim of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education as proof of a real contribution to advancing the Nation and State. Through International Seminars, Community Service, Scientific Publications through Journals and Books. Hopefully it will provide concrete evidence for the existence of higher education institutions.

Thus we convey this preface, this book is very useful for all of us, there are many interesting things in this book that we can continue to discuss in seminars and research. ADRI always strives to present knowledge in a tangible form that is beneficial to society, of course we are building the nation and state together. Thank You.

Sumarto sumarto

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